Natural ponds are fairly common though not normally included in “water gardening” due to their utilitarian purposes. Typically unlined and lacking filtration systems, natural ponds are called retention ponds, run-off ponds, HOA ponds, spring fed ponds or enlarged swampy areas that remain wet year round. They can range in size from small tennis court puddles to several acres.

Natural ponds can make a great addition to nearby properties. With a few tools, these natural ponds can look their best giving people, pets, and native animals beauty and natural habitats.

Tools: We offer fountains, water treatments, and aeration systems that can be customized to fit your natural pond, as well as professional maintenance. Our technicians can treat the water for duckweed, watermeal, coontail, invasive cattail, and other aquatic pests. They can improve the water clarity with beneficial, pet-safe, fish-safe treatments or teach you how to use them!

Pro-active: Spring is the best time to begin treatments for aquatic plant control so consider setting up a treatment plan before the weeds take over your pond!
Please contact us with any questions you have or drop us a photo of your existing pond to see how we can help!