Aquatic Plants, Care Of Water Lilies, Pond Aerator, Pond Plants, Uncategorized, Winter Fish Care
Did you enjoy your water garden this year or struggle with algae or leaks? A little planning this fall can prevent or fix those issues next season. Start by cleaning! Scoop leaves, clean your skimmer and put a net over your pond. By keeping your pond clean, spring...
Aeration, Algae, Pond Aerator
Even though I cannot control the weather, it makes me feel blessed when we have rain and things green up and grow like crazy. (especially the lawn! lol) But have you ever wondered what effect rainwater has on a pond ecosystem? Here is what I found out! -By B. Chudek...
Aeration, blog, Pond Aerator, Pond Plants, Smelly Pond, Winter Fish Care
The quick answer is “Probably, no”. If your pond is less than 4 feet deep, it typically will not need aeration during the summer months, at least here in Minnesota. The waterfall and aquatic plants will add enough oxygen to keep healthy levels of oxygen in...