Did you enjoy your water garden this year or struggle with algae or leaks? A little planning this fall can prevent or fix those issues next season. Start by cleaning! Scoop leaves, clean your skimmer and put a net over your pond. By keeping your pond clean, spring...
Type: Marginal pond plant, bog plant Flower: Grown for unique segmented foliage. This plant looks like mini bamboo to some. Height: 6-12″ Light: Full sun to part shade Zone: 3-9 Horsetail, a fun, Minnesota native aquatic plant! Hardy aquatic plant native...
So many memories in 2023! Sincerely, thank you. We love what we do, and are striving to do it better. Colorado hardy water lily Native Pitcher plant buds Iris happily growing near pond in MN We have been enjoying the MSP farmers market for several years! The winter...
Biofilters, also called biofalls, are an awesome tool in maintaining a clean, clear water feature. Biofilters combine Mother nature’s way with containerized water gardening to clean the water using beneficial bacteria. The filter systems I am familiar with are black...
If you ask us, “Is my pond safe for my pet?” We will say, “It depends on which style of pond you have.” If you have an ecosystem pond, the answer is “YES!” Ecosystem ponds mimic nature in the way they use filtration systems, plants, fish, and...
Want to build a pond? Should you use big rocks or smaller rocks? Take a quick picture tour of several ponds built near Minneapolis/ St. Paul, MN using a machine versus setting rocks by hand. Building a pond is a fun way to spend time outdoors! Whether you hire it done...