It’s Winter! What Should I Do With My Pump?

Before the winter freeze hits, it’s important to make sure your pond is ready!  One of the most expensive parts on a pond is the pump, and there are two choices for Minnesota pond owners.  Here is a quick tip on each option for caring for this piece of equipment so it lasts many years for you!

1. Turn off your pump.

If you decide not to run your pond or waterfall during the winter months, do this:
– Disconnect the pump and remove it from the pond.
– Rinse it off with clean water.
– Be careful not to lose the rubber washer.
– Store in a frost-free location. 
– If needed, use  Aquascape Pump Cleaner MaintenanceSolution (#91143) to remove excessive buildup of scale, biofilm, and more. (biodegradable solution)

2. Keep the pump running!  

Running your pump through the winter creates beautiful, icy creations all winter but does bring extra care and attention.  This is what the AquascapePRO pump manual has to say about winter usage:

– Check pump regularly, make sure it is running properly.

– Check ice levels. You don’t want ice preventing water from reaching the pump!
– If the power goes out, remove the pump to prevent freeze damage to the pump or pipes.

You can also do this for your pond in the winter:
– Add a heater to the pond (a de-icer).
– Or, use a Return-de-icer to circulate pond water directly into the pond by skipping the biofalls or waterfall.

(Waterfalls are different. When we ran our waterfall all winter, we had to add water regularly because it kept freezing into ice structures- beautiful but requires attention.)

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