The friends school plant sale is a major fundraiser for the Friends School of Minnesota, a small Quaker K-8 school in the Hamline-Midway area in Saint Paul. Their mission is ‘to prepare children to embrace life, learning, and community with hope, skill, understanding and creativity.” They are committed to “the Quaker values of peace, justice, simplicity, and integrity.”
Cancelling the plant sale will remove about one fifth of their income in one blow. We don’t like to see a good school hurt and are sure you don’t either. Would you like to partner with us to help? For orders marked “friends plant sale”, we will donate 15% to the Friends School. Tell your friends and neighbors. Together we can make a difference!”
Go here to order your pond plants including floaters, marginals, water lilies, and other aquatic plants.
By Becky Chudek, lead horticulturist at Minnesota Waterscapes