Spring Cleanouts
The key to a low maintenance water garden is to keep your new system in balance!

Now that you’ve decided to dive into the world of the water gardening lifestyle, whether you just had us or others build your pond, or you just bought a home with a pond, and don’t know how to care of it. You’re probably wondering exactly what you need to do to maintain you’re new aquatic beauty, and keep it looking great. Read on and learn how to be successful in water gardening, the low maintenance way.

Regardless of what type of water feature you own, and as long as you live near the Twin Cities, we can help you maintain it with the least amount of work on your part!
There are many ways to keep a pond clean. If you do enough online searches, your head may start to hurt! Minnesota Waterscapes uses pond building techniques that require the least amount of stress, less than 2 hours per month to maintain. This way you only have to worry about the relaxing aspects of your water feature: cascading waterfalls, sunlight reflecting off the pond, migrating birds coming to visit, and feeding your fish.
All fish ponds & water gardens, at some time or another, need a good cleaning.
Typically a good thorough cleaning is done in Spring, and again just before Winter.

What you need to tackle a pond cleaning !
Don’t have all the stuff to do a cleaning yourself? Not a problem, Minnesota Waterscapes has you covered. We clean and take care of 100’s of ponds between us that we did not build. Most landscapers will build you a pond, but then you’re on your own to take care of it. Let us do the dirty work for you!