When it comes to what kinds of plants your pond needs, it’s important to consider that ponds mimic nature. Therefore, should have a balance between each living part. Too much of one thing throws the balance off. A balanced pond should have three types of plants:
Floating plants: Plants on top of the water
Marginal plants: Plants growing on the pond’s edge
Oxygenators: Plants growing under the water (We sometimes include water lilies in this category because their roots and growth are below the water.)
Pond plants like lilies, water hyacinth, marsh marigolds, cattails and even floating planters can help control algae!
Check out this handy picture guide to learn how many plants you need in your pond!
Minnesota Waterscapes, mnponds.com, How many plants do I need for my small pond?
Did You Know?
Algae is a plant too (that is why it is often green- photosynthesis, baby!) and will grow and use nutrients available in the water unless you have other more desirable plants using that nutrient base.