Where can I buy pond plants in Minnesota?

This article was written in 2020, our first year growing plants. “Small” no longer describes our catalog (which can be found here). While not all the information may still be correct, we’ve chosen to leave it up for the memories. To see what our greenhouse is up to today, click here.

2019 was a difficult year to find pond plants.  The local grower (Cook Water Farms) retired and no longer services the retail location on Hoffman Ave in White Bear Lake. But, good news!  Minnesota Waterscapes has taken up the baton of raising fresh, local aquatic plants for your water garden needs!  Besides being right here in the Minneapolis area, we are also growing our plants organically! This means our plants will be healthy and safe for pets and fish. 

If you are looking for water lilies, floaters, marginals, or lotus in the Minneapolis- St. Paul area, check out our short catalog. Various delivery options are available. Curb-side pickup is also available Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at the growing location. 

Floating island planter just after being started.

​If you want something that adds a splash of color to your pond (even in shady spots) then check out our floating island planters!  Floating Island planters come with a mix of perennials and colorful annuals in a special planter which floats in your pond. Floating island planters come in a range of sizes (small to large combos).  Our smallest planter was nicknamed ‘ColorBombs’ by our 14 yr old!This year, we are only able to have a small variety of water garden plants. If you are looking for a special pond plant, here are a few other growers we would recommend for the Minneapolis and St. Paul area: Gertens, Hedberg Aggregates, or Bachmans (several locations.)

To order pond plants or see more pictures, click here.
​Happy gardening!

Iris in bloom

Native Marsh Marigold

Native Pickerel


By Becky Chudek, lead horticulturist for Minnesota Waterscapes

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